Monday, October 20, 2014

Untapped Potential

I get mixed responses from some of my statements on this blog. It is not because I am not consistent in my views it is because people assign their own interpretations to what I am saying. When I make the context clear they often do not like it because they were seeing it in a completely different context. For example I can say that we should not be dependent upon technologies because that allows people that control technologies to control us. Some might say yeah that is right. But when I say there is nothing wrong with using technologies I might be accused of being a hypocrite or worse, having no integrity. This is because the reader is automatically assuming when I say "we should not be dependent upon technologies because it allows us to be controlled" that I am saying that is WRONG. I am not saying it is wrong. This happens over and over and over again. When I recommend something as an option I do so because it is either empowering or helps someone to end their stress. Those are the two things I am focused on the most.

When I say humans have untapped potential I do not mean that our potential stops with levitation and remote viewing or teleporting physically from one location to another. Those are magic tricks of the material plane. They are not the limit of our potential. This gets hard to understand because I am trying to explain something of an esoteric nature. I believe this is what many great masters also were trying to explain. (NOT IMPLYING I AM A GREAT MASTER) LOL

Our potential is that we are able to master our consciousness and navigate different worlds both material and ethereal in nature. There are many mansions so to speak. Matter is not just what we see with our eyes and touch with our hands though that is how we describe things most of the time. Matter vibrates at different frequencies INPHIKNITLY. In Phi Knit is basically how the atom works. It is a system of implosion and explosion that is controlled and does not cause destruction. It is self sustained as it pulls from the fabric of space and transforms energy into something else. What we see with our eyes appears to be a cloud of vortexes. We draw it like a little ball surrounded by other balls with trajectory lines to indicate it is spinning. But that is not what an atom looks like. In fact you can't even see an atom unless you focus on it. Atoms are non local. They are not in one place. The brain puts them in their place as many have tried to do to me. 

When I speak of our untapped potential I speak of the self realizing what it is and learning how to move consciously in and out of all realities. It is not about manipulating a reality to make it the way you want it. That is pointless. Why seek to experience all that can be if you just want it to be a certain way. Mostly we shape our reality with our subconscious mind and then try to interpret it with our conscious mind. But we try to hard to control the external illusion as though it matters. What you FOCUS on is what matters.

When you learn to navigate your consciousness you can fly, touch, smell, hear and taste more intensely that anything you have experienced on this level. We tend to think altered states are less real but they are more real because they are the true nature of reality which is unadulterated EXPERIENCE without the interference of EGO and the denseness of 3d. It will be difficult for people to let go of this world. And they don't have to. But if you want to reach your full potential as a conscious being you will have to let go of your addiction to 3d while your 3d body is still a reality. This is why monks want to be sitting up and fully conscious when they die so they can effectively steer their consciousness into the desired reality. Some reincarnate for their own reasons. But at least they are CONSCIOUSLY incarnating and not ignorant to these things. Anyone that knows about our true abilities as conscious beings and wants to control us will do anything to keep us ignorant. That is just a fact of ego nature. It is all about control either mentally or physically.

People that are addicted to the 3d reality subconsciously will rail against this notion. Many want to believe that they are going to be free entities that can play in the 3d world using technologies and even their own innate abilities to do amazing things. This may be true. But it is a bit naive to think the controlling factor that is innate in 3d beings will magically disappear just because everyone has free stuff and cool technologies. In this moment the world is still steeped in greed, gluttony, fear, vengeance and all the other imbalances we call sins. Those energies remain because of the strong attraction to the duality/separation illusion. People are afraid of discomfort and not having what they want so they allow themselves to be controlled. Would you give up your iphone and start practicing telepathy? You might but you have to realize there are controlling factions that keep the earth at a low vibratory state and interfere with the natural grid that allow us to communicate telepathically. That has to change for us to become free. Controllers have to give up the need to control. That is what your future depends on and not a Disney World environment with lots of toys and free stuff if you are good.

 Information is the new currency. People are starting to become upset because their information is not safe so they buy security packages. All of that is illusion. You are not your identity or face or name. You are YOU. That cannot be taken away but you can give up your personal power out of irrational fear.

I don't know how long I will be on this planet. While I am here I want to do everything I can to bring this awareness to light. I don't care if I am met with anger or nastiness because that doesn't effect me. It does effect YOU and the energy of the world. When you are nasty YOU are the one that has to deal with your energy not me. I am sovereign. When I leave my body as I do all the time I can do anything I want but only when I am lucid in the reality that I am sovereign. The minute I forget that I am sucked back into the astral realms or 3d. While I am active in 3d my goal is to be content and happy and do what I love. I love my husband so I do him alot. HAHA that was a joke. Seriously I love being with my family. I was not content with that when I was younger. I wanted to DO and GO and BE SOMEONE SPECIAL!! That is all fine but it does not last. Nothing lasts but our consciousness until we are not conscious and then we don't know about that do we?

This actually seems to contradict something else I always say, "Stop the mind and go go go" But what that means is stop clinging to limiting thoughts and go whether it is an action or a conscious experience. The minute you start grasping at your thoughts trying to reason with the experience you will lose the experience. The brain is a 3d tool. It does not store consciousness. It sorts out information and tells our body what to do. Entering altered states allows us to experience without the brain getting in the way. This is why LSD is popular but the natural ability is way better. We don't have to be floating around in dream land to experience the many illusory worlds of consciousness. The body grounds us. The mind frees us or enslaves us depending upon what we buy into. KNOWING all of this is liberation and enlightened thinking.

To be present is to accept what is and be aware of the fact that you are not defined by that reality. To be omnipresent is to expand your awareness and be content with all that is as a sovereign spirit in an endless existence.

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