Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Ascension Consciousness/The Super Conscious Mind

Ascension Consciousness can also be called Super Conscious. It is when you are aware of the brains faculties from the higher self.  We say "My memory" "My will" "My beliefs". Who is "I". I Am an infinite field of potential.  I am not a "WHO" at all. I just AM. AUUUM.   From our highest self awareness there is no fear or struggle. We do not seek anything. The Super Conscious state of mind is what great teachers were referring to when they spoke of " The Father" or Nirvana, Christ Consciousness and it is the ultimate enlightenment.

Our reality came into being because of the super conscious mind that arises out of the universal laws of attraction, vibration and so on.  It is does not need a reason for being. It does not have a plan for humanity or the universe other than to expand and experience all that can be because it is POTENTIAL.  It is omni present and aware of the perfect design that arises out of the universal laws but does not judge creation or seek to control it. That would be the goal of the conscious mind.   Our conscious thoughts make up only 5% of our reality. We can refer to it as a MIND MATRIX because conscious thoughts are mind chatter than weave a web of illusions.  For example when someone calls us lazy and we allow those words to stir emotions it is like a magnet that stores information in our subconscious mind that we are lazy.  How we deal with that information is up to us but it is always with us. We might feel guilty for sitting on the couch watching tv and not really know why. Our conscious mind forgot about someone calling us lazy but the subconscious did not.

The super conscious mind knows that it is all a bunch of crap. LOL. It knows that words have power if you give them power. It knows that it can release that energy at any moment. It is not concerned with laziness or guilt. That is the job for the conscious and subconscious mind to work out. The superconscious mind see all that is for what it is without designing a mental construct around it for the sake of appeasing the ego.

Reason or purpose


Body Functions
Self preservation

We have two hemispheres in our brain and they work together to keep us balanced. Making them ONE helps us to operate as WHOLE and complete beings. It is the super conscious mind that deprograms the subconscious mind and manages the conscious faculties, seeing them for what they are; tools. The super conscious mind takes beliefs and makes them work for the individual without allowing the conscious mind to attach to the belief as though it is permanent. Beliefs change because the world changes and perspective changes. The super conscious mind knows this. The subconscious mind and conscious mind are not so sure about that.

The super conscious mind tells the body when it is ok for the soul to leave. It tells the body what it is feeling is temporary; what it remembers is not always accurate; emotions are just energy flowing and that the body heals itself under the right conditions. It tells the conscious mind that all of its faculties are tools and every action has a consequence. It does not tell the conscious mind what is right or wrong. The conscious mind reasons that something is right or wrong based upon the BELIEF that is embedded in the subconscious mind.   When one is communicating from the super conscious mind they are aware that the belief is not necessarily true or right or wrong. It just is what it is. And this understanding allows the higher self to hold on loosely to that belief knowing that it can change and grow. That is how all TRUE life operates. When we are humans operating in this flow without the mind interrupting the wave patterns of free flowing consciousness we are operating within the 5th dimensional construct.

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