Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Bi Location and Remote Viewing- The Way to Freedom

The strangest thing that I have ever experienced is being able to see other worlds and other beings on my inner screen while fully awake. It is very real like I am actually flying over these places. There is an inner sun and there are very detailed beings. Sometimes they look right at me. Because I try to always be as scientific as possible I take note of every little detail. These visions are not drug induced. I only have to lie down and get really relaxed for them to activate. The reason I know I am not dreaming is because I am fully awake and aware of my body lying on the bed. It is not non sensical like most dreams and I cannot control these visions like I can when I am lucid dreaming. So how can I be lucid and yet not able to control the dream? It is because I am witnessing at parallel reality playing out. I have remote viewed actual places on earth where I see a pond and two guys fishing. I have flown over pastures and seen cows and dogs and fences. I can tell the difference between a dream and remotely viewing an actual reality that is playing out. 

On one occasion I  moved into these fern like plants at the lower part of my inner screen. I could see movement all behind these plants. As I willed myself up and over the ferns I began to see a landscape open up. Below me were rolling hills and the sun was shining on the tall grasses. I could see little shimmering lights all around. As I flew closer to one of these lights I could see that they were classic Faeries. A castle appeared in the distance and I was able to fly all around this structure seeing every detail of the stone work and wood work. 

I am not making an argument for the existence of Faeries and a Faery Kingdom because clearly it exists if I can experience it. Remember it is our experience that makes something a reality for us. But I am trying to understand how the human brain really works and wondering why I am only in the past ten years able to do this. I am thinking this is some kind of holographic reality that the brain is generating via the pineal gland. I don't know how. And I don't know who designed this reality. Did my subconscious mind create this to be viewed over and over like an virtual interactive holographic game? Or is it the product of mass consciousness embedded in the Akashic Field for anyone to tap into?  

Once I flew over what appeared to be an Atlantean setting. There were dark skinned Aztec looking men with the large nose and straight black hair standing with their spears on a large bridge like structure and pyramids in the distance. They looked at me as I flew over with big dark eyes as if they knew what or who I was. How did I appear to them I wondered? Was I an orb of light? I could see the whites of their eyes very clearly glowing as the sun was setting in the distance. I could see the curves of their muscles and even feel their presence. Just as quickly as I fly into these scenes they fade out and I am lying on my bed wondering what the hell just happened.  

Another time something a little different happened to me. I was just waking from a dream and suddenly a portal opened up. I willed myself inside this opening and tried to make out what I was seeing. It looked like a lab of some type.  I seemed to be stationary and positioned on the floor looking up into a very long corridor. It was very sterile and there were cabinets and gadgets all around on either side of the corridor. Everything was white and grey. I could even hear people moving around. It was the first time I had a fully sensory experience like that as though I had bi-located. I was just lying in bed thinking "Oh my god. I am in two places at once. How is this possible?" And just like that the portal closed. I found out later that the space station was directly above me that night. 

When I am visiting these other locations in my 5th density body rather than just remote viewing it is more sensual and real than this reality. There is no pain or discomfort. There is no fear or worry. I think of these realities as 5th density realities. The vehicle I am using to navigate them is what I call my light body or merkaba. I believe it is just like the cursor on the computer. When I look into my inner screen I can actually see a viewfinder at the center of my focus. It looks like a spinning orb and I could say it sometimes looks like a classic ufo. Is this a coincidence? Could it be that many of these ethereal disc shaped ufo's are actually manifestations of the light bodies of more and more people as they begin to access this ability? When people are doing this in the dream state they are seldom able to remember it when they wake. But if we can all learn to do this while fully awake we can literally begin to consciously access 5th density worlds while still living at the 3rd density level. 

This could be something that has deliberately been kept from us by control freaks because if you have the ability to access any reality consciously there is no need for linear transport systems that are controlled by the elite. There is also no need for technologies like teleportation and levitation or communication devices. Who knows what humans are actually capable of when we begin to access more of our brains and higher frequencies of consciousness? But as long as we are dependent upon the controllers for our external or internal experience we are not the sovereign, empowered beings we can be.  The truth is not out there. It is within you.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Past Life Recall

The new skill I have acquired over the past several years is remote viewing. But there is more to it than just being able to soar over any place at will. I seem to be able to recall past life events. Usually I tune into the last five minutes or so of a person's life.  I am fully awake but very relaxed. There is usually a circle or what I call a portal with motion in the center of it. I zoom into the portal and a scene unfolds. It is really amazing.

Recently I have seen two men fall on the ground and one was dying; the other was trying to revive him. The very next seen was a graveyard. I see a lot of graveyards. Not too long ago I saw a woman sitting at a table in a farmhouse setting and she heard something. I floated in the direction she was looking through a stairwell into the basement. There was someone lying on at the bottom of the stairs and someone was with him or her. I felt like it was a boy that had fallen and was passing. The next thing I saw was a graveyard and funeral procession. I then assumed the position from the grave looking up at all of these people crying.

My thoughts on this are that I am reliving the moment of death in past lives so that I can release that event or any negative emotion attached to that event. My conscious goal in this life is to release all of the negative emotions from not only my past in this life but the emotional energy of my ancestors that is stored in my DNA. The only way we can truly be sovereign masters of our consciousness is to clear the causal body of the past programming that keeps us incarnating into unfortunate circumstances according to Buddhist and other cultural beliefs. I absolutely understand how this makes sense in terms of physics. We are all basically made of Electromagnetic Fields that are spinning and storing information in the form of light and sound. We perceives these sounds and images as memories. Everything we do and how we feel about those actions is embedded into our EM fields or what we call DNA down to the cellular level.

If you are interested in recalling past lives you can be hypnotized but I recommend you do it on your own so that you are not influenced by any outside energies. While hypnosis can be useful in healing the traumas of past lives one may find themselves deeply embedded in the relived experience so much so that they believe it is actually happening to them in that moment. It is important to be lucid when one relives the experience as an observer rather than relive the event as a victim again. If one is overwhelmed with emotion it is likely they do not have the lucidity to see the traumatic event is not actually happening but a memory.  The only way to release the emotional attachment to the event is to recognize what they truly are which is pure spirit. As an observer one can release from the victim mentality and accept the event for what it is; cause and effect.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Untapped Potential

I get mixed responses from some of my statements on this blog. It is not because I am not consistent in my views it is because people assign their own interpretations to what I am saying. When I make the context clear they often do not like it because they were seeing it in a completely different context. For example I can say that we should not be dependent upon technologies because that allows people that control technologies to control us. Some might say yeah that is right. But when I say there is nothing wrong with using technologies I might be accused of being a hypocrite or worse, having no integrity. This is because the reader is automatically assuming when I say "we should not be dependent upon technologies because it allows us to be controlled" that I am saying that is WRONG. I am not saying it is wrong. This happens over and over and over again. When I recommend something as an option I do so because it is either empowering or helps someone to end their stress. Those are the two things I am focused on the most.

When I say humans have untapped potential I do not mean that our potential stops with levitation and remote viewing or teleporting physically from one location to another. Those are magic tricks of the material plane. They are not the limit of our potential. This gets hard to understand because I am trying to explain something of an esoteric nature. I believe this is what many great masters also were trying to explain. (NOT IMPLYING I AM A GREAT MASTER) LOL

Our potential is that we are able to master our consciousness and navigate different worlds both material and ethereal in nature. There are many mansions so to speak. Matter is not just what we see with our eyes and touch with our hands though that is how we describe things most of the time. Matter vibrates at different frequencies INPHIKNITLY. In Phi Knit is basically how the atom works. It is a system of implosion and explosion that is controlled and does not cause destruction. It is self sustained as it pulls from the fabric of space and transforms energy into something else. What we see with our eyes appears to be a cloud of vortexes. We draw it like a little ball surrounded by other balls with trajectory lines to indicate it is spinning. But that is not what an atom looks like. In fact you can't even see an atom unless you focus on it. Atoms are non local. They are not in one place. The brain puts them in their place as many have tried to do to me. 

When I speak of our untapped potential I speak of the self realizing what it is and learning how to move consciously in and out of all realities. It is not about manipulating a reality to make it the way you want it. That is pointless. Why seek to experience all that can be if you just want it to be a certain way. Mostly we shape our reality with our subconscious mind and then try to interpret it with our conscious mind. But we try to hard to control the external illusion as though it matters. What you FOCUS on is what matters.

When you learn to navigate your consciousness you can fly, touch, smell, hear and taste more intensely that anything you have experienced on this level. We tend to think altered states are less real but they are more real because they are the true nature of reality which is unadulterated EXPERIENCE without the interference of EGO and the denseness of 3d. It will be difficult for people to let go of this world. And they don't have to. But if you want to reach your full potential as a conscious being you will have to let go of your addiction to 3d while your 3d body is still a reality. This is why monks want to be sitting up and fully conscious when they die so they can effectively steer their consciousness into the desired reality. Some reincarnate for their own reasons. But at least they are CONSCIOUSLY incarnating and not ignorant to these things. Anyone that knows about our true abilities as conscious beings and wants to control us will do anything to keep us ignorant. That is just a fact of ego nature. It is all about control either mentally or physically.

People that are addicted to the 3d reality subconsciously will rail against this notion. Many want to believe that they are going to be free entities that can play in the 3d world using technologies and even their own innate abilities to do amazing things. This may be true. But it is a bit naive to think the controlling factor that is innate in 3d beings will magically disappear just because everyone has free stuff and cool technologies. In this moment the world is still steeped in greed, gluttony, fear, vengeance and all the other imbalances we call sins. Those energies remain because of the strong attraction to the duality/separation illusion. People are afraid of discomfort and not having what they want so they allow themselves to be controlled. Would you give up your iphone and start practicing telepathy? You might but you have to realize there are controlling factions that keep the earth at a low vibratory state and interfere with the natural grid that allow us to communicate telepathically. That has to change for us to become free. Controllers have to give up the need to control. That is what your future depends on and not a Disney World environment with lots of toys and free stuff if you are good.

 Information is the new currency. People are starting to become upset because their information is not safe so they buy security packages. All of that is illusion. You are not your identity or face or name. You are YOU. That cannot be taken away but you can give up your personal power out of irrational fear.

I don't know how long I will be on this planet. While I am here I want to do everything I can to bring this awareness to light. I don't care if I am met with anger or nastiness because that doesn't effect me. It does effect YOU and the energy of the world. When you are nasty YOU are the one that has to deal with your energy not me. I am sovereign. When I leave my body as I do all the time I can do anything I want but only when I am lucid in the reality that I am sovereign. The minute I forget that I am sucked back into the astral realms or 3d. While I am active in 3d my goal is to be content and happy and do what I love. I love my husband so I do him alot. HAHA that was a joke. Seriously I love being with my family. I was not content with that when I was younger. I wanted to DO and GO and BE SOMEONE SPECIAL!! That is all fine but it does not last. Nothing lasts but our consciousness until we are not conscious and then we don't know about that do we?

This actually seems to contradict something else I always say, "Stop the mind and go go go" But what that means is stop clinging to limiting thoughts and go whether it is an action or a conscious experience. The minute you start grasping at your thoughts trying to reason with the experience you will lose the experience. The brain is a 3d tool. It does not store consciousness. It sorts out information and tells our body what to do. Entering altered states allows us to experience without the brain getting in the way. This is why LSD is popular but the natural ability is way better. We don't have to be floating around in dream land to experience the many illusory worlds of consciousness. The body grounds us. The mind frees us or enslaves us depending upon what we buy into. KNOWING all of this is liberation and enlightened thinking.

To be present is to accept what is and be aware of the fact that you are not defined by that reality. To be omnipresent is to expand your awareness and be content with all that is as a sovereign spirit in an endless existence.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Ascension Consciousness/The Super Conscious Mind

Ascension Consciousness can also be called Super Conscious. It is when you are aware of the brains faculties from the higher self.  We say "My memory" "My will" "My beliefs". Who is "I". I Am an infinite field of potential.  I am not a "WHO" at all. I just AM. AUUUM.   From our highest self awareness there is no fear or struggle. We do not seek anything. The Super Conscious state of mind is what great teachers were referring to when they spoke of " The Father" or Nirvana, Christ Consciousness and it is the ultimate enlightenment.

Our reality came into being because of the super conscious mind that arises out of the universal laws of attraction, vibration and so on.  It is does not need a reason for being. It does not have a plan for humanity or the universe other than to expand and experience all that can be because it is POTENTIAL.  It is omni present and aware of the perfect design that arises out of the universal laws but does not judge creation or seek to control it. That would be the goal of the conscious mind.   Our conscious thoughts make up only 5% of our reality. We can refer to it as a MIND MATRIX because conscious thoughts are mind chatter than weave a web of illusions.  For example when someone calls us lazy and we allow those words to stir emotions it is like a magnet that stores information in our subconscious mind that we are lazy.  How we deal with that information is up to us but it is always with us. We might feel guilty for sitting on the couch watching tv and not really know why. Our conscious mind forgot about someone calling us lazy but the subconscious did not.

The super conscious mind knows that it is all a bunch of crap. LOL. It knows that words have power if you give them power. It knows that it can release that energy at any moment. It is not concerned with laziness or guilt. That is the job for the conscious and subconscious mind to work out. The superconscious mind see all that is for what it is without designing a mental construct around it for the sake of appeasing the ego.

Reason or purpose


Body Functions
Self preservation

We have two hemispheres in our brain and they work together to keep us balanced. Making them ONE helps us to operate as WHOLE and complete beings. It is the super conscious mind that deprograms the subconscious mind and manages the conscious faculties, seeing them for what they are; tools. The super conscious mind takes beliefs and makes them work for the individual without allowing the conscious mind to attach to the belief as though it is permanent. Beliefs change because the world changes and perspective changes. The super conscious mind knows this. The subconscious mind and conscious mind are not so sure about that.

The super conscious mind tells the body when it is ok for the soul to leave. It tells the body what it is feeling is temporary; what it remembers is not always accurate; emotions are just energy flowing and that the body heals itself under the right conditions. It tells the conscious mind that all of its faculties are tools and every action has a consequence. It does not tell the conscious mind what is right or wrong. The conscious mind reasons that something is right or wrong based upon the BELIEF that is embedded in the subconscious mind.   When one is communicating from the super conscious mind they are aware that the belief is not necessarily true or right or wrong. It just is what it is. And this understanding allows the higher self to hold on loosely to that belief knowing that it can change and grow. That is how all TRUE life operates. When we are humans operating in this flow without the mind interrupting the wave patterns of free flowing consciousness we are operating within the 5th dimensional construct.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Super Human Abilities and The Future of Mankind

Remote viewing is the ability to see distant locations with the mind's eye. It sounds like science fiction but it is science fact. This is one of many abilities humans are capable of but not many people have a clue about their potential. There is a very logical physics explanation for these abilities. We are not living in a purely mechanical universe obviously. As we learn more about the quantum nature of reality we will begin to understand how these things are possible and why much of this knowledge was kept hidden from the general population. It all has to do with the fear of not being in control. I would like to start with my understanding of remote viewing because that is something in which I have first hand experience.

There are many different ways of viewing. There is a difference between recalling a location with imagination and literally seeing a projected image onto your eyelids with the pineal gland. I can imagine an elephant like anyone else with my eyes open and see every detail but that is different from seeing a holographic projection of an elephant projected onto my eyelids I call my inner screen. I am not able to communicate with other beings directly like some mediums. But if I ask specifically to see someone or to see a location and I get into a very relaxed state I might be able to see a current or past event unfold on my inner screen. I am not always able to control this. Some people are able to just see and know these things without having to do anything. I suspect some are born with the natural ability to receive images without consciously switching brain wave states and without needing a scientific explanation or to know the physics of why it is possible. For example Teresa Caputo, Long  Island Medium is a very down to earth but highly energetic and expressive mother of two that for some reason can easily see a person's dead relatives, names, detailed information simply by being in the presence of the person.  She does very little to consciously prepare her mind and body to see these things. And she is not literally hearing voices but she explains intelligent Spirit is sending her images like a memory of a movie verses a first hand sensual experience if I am not mistaken.  I believe all humans have this ability but some people are so bombarded by the dissonance of this world that they are not in tune with their own innate abilities.

For whatever reason my specialty seems to be what the Mayans refer to as "The Power of Magical Flight". I am able to soar over landscapes, inside buildings, under water, other planets with my third eye viewing abilities. I do not communicate with other beings with words or but by observing. Sometimes I have little control over where I am going once the vision locks in. It is like suddenly it is on auto pilot. I am fully awake with my eyes closed soaring over places and I have to figure out where it is and what is happening. That can be frustrating but this gift is the most amazing thing I have ever experienced in my life.  My goal is to learn to manage this ability so that I can help people in some way but also to be sovereign and self empowered.

When I close my eyes there is a mist. The more relaxed I am and in a brain wave state of Theta the more clearly I can see the location. If I ask to see the Pyramids of Giza the all seeing eye instantly projects that location onto my inner screen. Initially the images are cloaked in a red haze I refer to as infra red zone. When I have been in the dark for a long time the red haze begins to fade to a more natural lighting. I am still experimenting with this. It is truly uncharted territory. I never know when the scene is going to light up in true color. It seems to depend upon whether I am in closed areas or outside. What I am seeing in my opinion is the present reality of this planet until I am able to move into a higher vibration. That is when the reality becomes what many refer to as 5D Earth. This faster vibrating energy of the inner world looks much the same as the 3D version of the external world we are accustomed to. There is an inner sun that never sets.  There are plants and trees and structures.

 I feel there is no separation between these two realities. But the mind locks into a specific reality for many reasons. The holographic matrix that makes up the physics world is like a computer program according to quantum physicists and the ancients. We are trapped on the other side of the looking glass. The light I am seeing is synonymous with an inner sun. The difference between the this side and the other is that there is no suffering in the inner world and anything is possible.  A structure on earth is also part of the inner world just like human bodies are part of the inner world. But they are less substantial physically. We all co create the inner kingdom but only a certain vibratory frequency can enter the inner kingdom of what I call 5D Earth. There is no violence or death. When I am in the proper state of consciousness as in an Out of Body Experience I can actually touch, taste, smell and hear things in this reality. And it is no longer just remote viewing. It is a very tangible reality with a gravity but not as dense as the 3D earth experience. There is no need for technologies or food or vehicles but they can still exist if they are made of materials that match the frequency.

I have seen what appears to be the planet Mars, a Fairy Kingdom (don't laugh), the inside and outside of the sun and the moon, and recently I saw what looked like Atlantis or a beautiful Kingdom with natives that were similar to the Aztecs. I flew over the city and many people. What I found fascinating was that the beings I see sometimes look directly at me as though they see me. I wondered what they saw. Could I appear as a ball of light to them? Is this what we are seeing in the skies in this reality when we see UFO's? It is said that we are all light energy bodies or merkabas and that the external form is a dense sheath of dead energy like the dead cells that are sloughed off every second.  It is funny because they have various reactions to me. Not too long ago I flew over two alien looking beings and one of them hissed at me playfully as though h/she knew what I was. I have seen American Indians look at me with piercing eyes as I flew over them on their horses.

Recently I am finding that I will awaken from a dream abruptly to see an event taking place on my inner screen that has nothing to do with what I was dreaming. I know it is not a dream sequence because I am completely awake and lucid but I cannot control what I am seeing. It is as though spirit woke me up to show me something. I woke to a vision of a friend of mine at a conference table with several other people. I saw a document with a figure on it like a check or something. I could not see very well because it was in that reddish haze but I saw his bald head and what I thought was my daughter. My daughter works for him. So I called him to see if he had a mediation or something going on. I told him I saw a one, a seven and a bunch of zeros on the document. He said that's crazy because I just won a mediation settlement a few months ago for one point seven million dollars. So in this case I could have been seeing a past event. Why? I have no idea.

How do we tell the difference between dreaming and visions? When we are dreaming we usually have no control over what is happening, victims of our darkest fears and sometimes lost in our deepest desires.  Lucid dreaming is knowing you are asleep and seeing fantasy playing out. You are aware that it is a dream and how the subconscious mind works through experiences. This higher awareness is an observer from a much more expansive vantage point. Sometimes we believe we have woken up when we are in fact still dreaming. That is because when we are not lucid the mind will play tricks on us. False awakenings can happen two or three times in one instance. It can be frightening. This is why it is important to practice lucid dreaming and consciousness mastery in general so we are no longer victims but empowered Wave Masters.  To be lucid means knowing everything is illusion, even when we are so called "fully awake".  Matter is made up of atoms. Atoms have no mass. That is because everything we see taste touch and smell and hear is the result of energy vibrating. Some things appear to be solid but they are just energy fields that are vibrating more slowly than others relatively speaking from our perspective.

The U.S. government knows a great deal more than what they would have the general public know. Most people must be aware of this because it is common sense. Secrets are necessary when someone or a group's agenda is control and domination. It has been said many times by various insiders that the secret government possesses technologies that are at least 50 years ahead of what the public knows about, whatever that means. In other words we are not all driving around in anti gravity cars but the military has anti gravity crafts that can go nearly as fast as the speed of light, or faster. It is most likely that they already know how to traverse other worlds via wormholes. It is likely that alien races have been here for many hundreds of thousands of years and that they also all have advanced technologies including the ability to time travel. But these are mostly artificial technologies because something artificial can be controlled more easily than an intelligent living being.  The U.S. as well as other countries have spent huge amounts of money on RV studies. Of course being able to spy on the enemy has a great value to the military.  But from what I have read they are trying to assign numbers and letters to specific targets and then get a viewing to tell them what the target is. I don't understand the relationship between the assigned code and the target. If you want someone to see something just tell them what you want them to find. Spirit will guide you. When I say "spirit" I am referring to the Akashic Library which records everything that is into it's electromagnetic field. We all can access this with practice. We don't need codes for targets in my opinion. But we should not be spying on other's for the sake of using weapons against them or any other covert agenda.  Remote viewing is a gift that should be used to help each other make the world a better place and for our own creative endeavors. These abilities are veiled to us I believe until we are operating from love rather than fear. When operating from love there is no shame or vanity, harsh words or insecurity. So it doesn't matter what someone says behind your back or if someone see's you on the toilet or making love. For the remote viewer seeing those things is like watching a movie. There is no judgement. There is no emotion unless we lose ourselves in the vision and forget that it is all illusion. It is all energy. We are all energy.

I still have so many questions about what is actually happening with my visions. One night I woke abruptly from a nonsense dream to see a portal in the misty field of my inner screen open up. Suddenly I was lying in bed fully awake staring at what appeared to be some kind of space station. I knew I was lying in bed looking through this portal at this very real HD view of cabinets and wires and a long corridor of white. It was unbelievable because it was the most clear high definition vision I had ever had. In fact I could hear voices. I believe I had moved into the next phase of astrally projecting into that reality to some degree. But still aware of my body lying in the bed. Usually OOBE means not feeling your body and pushing the external body out of your awareness. But this was a multiple reality experience. I could here things being moved and almost smell the crisp air. I was stationary. Not flying. I got the sense that there was a male and a female presence there. But I never actually say anyone. And then just as suddenly as it opened up the portal closed and I was lying in bed starting at the ceiling of our cabin thinking, "what just happened?".

I am not certain what has triggered my ability to remote view consciously. I believe it is a combination of being more submersed in natural environment for the past ten years but also being more consciously focused on my inner screen and relaxing. People are being born every day with these new abilities that are being referred to as "super human". More brain functions are being accessed. Savants or people with autism often have trouble integrating into society. But when we are able to access certain abilities and still remain well adjusted active members of society it is called super human. Do these abilities make us superhuman or are they normal human abilities coming back on line? Going within is essential to self awareness and self healing. The entertainment value aside, remote viewing and other abilities are very important skills that should be not only researched further but we should be taught about these potential abilities from a very early age. I know there are control freaks that are afraid of anyone having natural abilities that could possibly be used to break free of the matrix designed to keep people in order. But we have to understand that there will always be the temptation to use technologies, natural or artificial out of fear, leading to dire consequences. Rather than continuing this control game we should change the operating system to one of full consciousness education. People should be taught from birth there is responsibility with power, compassion is the only way to live in peace and self discipline is absolutely crucial. Humans are born to create and interact with their creations. How do we do that without upsetting the natural balance and destroying ourselves? We have been living in a constant state of clinging and micromanaging. It is time to live in forward motion, fearless as fully conscious, compassionate beings with all of our innate abilities in tact. That is the only way to create a better world with humans in it.

11 Big Misconceptions About Buddhism

11 Big Misconceptions About Buddhism

Reincarnation- Reincarnation is often thought of in western society as the soul of an individual moving out of one body and into another. But the concept is more complex than this according to Buddhists. We are all consciousness. A flower or animal or human is a vessel that holds consciousness like a spool of film holds visuals and audio. Each spool is a living energy system however that has a sense of self awareness and it's own reality. But it is greatly cut off from the greater reality which can be likened to the history of the universe recorded on holographic computer.  If you think of it in terms of light, the colors we see are created when white light is slowed down to a specific vibratory frequency as it enters a prism. The human body is similar as it is is constructed of many energetic forms which bend light. It is a temporary and illusory sheath held in place by vibrating energy. Every structure from the cell in your little toe to your heart and brain has it's own vibratory signature that is recorded in the Akashic Field.  The Akashic Field is the fabric of the universe, a quantum computer, storing visual and audial information of its experiences. Each person (prism or vessel) has the ability to access those records. When we learn to consciously navigate the frequencies or waves via our own brain which is a transmitter and receiver of information we are able to access other experiences written into the Akashic Field.  This is why some people claim to have been someone from the past. They are reading memories of another physical existence from the perspective of that person. The living being's DNA is a combination of two living being's experiences but also of a particular past living being that was attracted to the current living being's consciousness. It is like planets colliding and or finding their own space around a sun. It is all about attraction and repulsion. At the moment of death the gross body sheath falls away from our consciousness field. This consciousness field which is basically an electromagnetic field, depending upon it's level of awareness will naturally gravitate toward another EM field. The memories and emotions of the Mental and Emotional Sheath remain intact because they are written into the Causal Body which is what we call the soul. Souls are part of a holographic reality program and one's causal body is a blueprint that dictates the next incarnation unless one is at a level of awareness where they are no longer attracted to a physical experience. In this case it is said they will move into higher states of being, less physical and more mental and emotional until the sentient being's consciousness finally leaves the causal plane all together.  Consciousness shapes an experience through attraction and repulsion and this is how "matter" arises. So the "you" that exists now is a hologram that can be deprogrammed by "you" if and when you have expanded your consciousness enough to choose to leave the matrix (programmed reality of birth and rebirth) behind.

Buddha is a god? True Buddhists do not regard Siddhartha Buddha or any Buddha or master as the God or a god although technically the word "god" does loosely come from the "good man" in ancient times. Buddha is revered as a great teacher with compassion and respect. He is not worshipped in the sense that he is placed in a status of perfection to which one should be submissive.

Buddhism is a religion? Buddhism is not a religion it is a teaching of practices designed to alleviate suffering for sentient beings. The main principles are the Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Path. The Four Truths are that we are born into suffering. The causes of suffering is our craving and attachment to that which we do not possess. There is a way to end the suffering. And lastly the Eight Fold Path explains ways of living and being in the world to lessen suffering or and eventually end it all together.   Buddhism does not teach that we must be judged by a higher power. It is not designed to make people follow any deity to assure one's liberation. Liberation must be earned through awakening to the true nature of reality and discipline of the mind. And there is no demand for alliance under these teachings. We all have the free will to do as we like. The only this the Buddha was concerned with was ending suffering for all sentient beings not with controlling people. That is a major difference between the liberating practice of Buddhism and religions. When monks ask for food or money they see it as an opportunity for someone to give and to survive. Most religions amass money from their members for the purpose of perhaps helping others but much of the proceeds obviously go into the church whereas the church is least important and the body is the temple for the Buddhist. The body is not worshipped or ignored but seen as a home that should be kept clean and in alignment for optimal health. Balance and moderation are the Middle Path. "If the string is too tight it will snap. If the string is too lose it will not play".

Buddhists worship Buddha? There is a Buddhist saying "If you see the Buddha kill the Buddha." Non attachment is the basic teaching. There should be no mental attachment to the teacher or the teaching because when we set our mind to something that is challenged by someone else or hold fast to something that does not last like a person or an object it will be gone one day. This is the root cause of suffering. Nothing lasts. To worship anything implies a strong mental and emotional attachment to something. Buddha was revered as a great teacher not worshipped as a savior. When they prostrate to the statues it is not to worship Buddha but to humble one's self and stay focused on the practice.

Compassion- Compassion is feeling one with all that is knowing that harming another sentient being causes suffering. Many confuse compassion with trying to make someone happy by giving them everything they want. No one can ever have everything they want unless they are content to want what they have. And we cannot possibly ease the suffering of all beings with external things or kind words. We can only support others and teach them the best practices to end their own suffering. And though it is kind to comfort people sometimes compassion means teaching someone a painful lesson. So it can become a mental debate as to what is the right way or wrong way to show compassion. There is a story about a master that taught compassion to his students for many years. One day a cockroach ran across the floor and the master stepped on the roach and killed it. The students were horrified. They asked "Why did you do this? You have always taught us to be compassionate to all sentient beings". The master said "I am sending him to a better life. It must be terrible to be a cockroach". That is Zen.

Zen- Compassion is stressed as extremely important in zen because every action effects someone else and the world around us for better or worse. Actions have consequences. Judgment is a product of the mind. If someone throws a rock and hits you in the head, it hurts. That is zen. Why they threw the rock, what you think about them, whether you deserved it or not is all mental chatter that does not change the fact that a rock hit you in the head. The importance of understanding this is so that you are able to stop thoughts or automatic reactions that might lead to more suffering. It is what it is.

The Self- Buddha never spoke much about the existence of self. It seems "self" evident. But on the other hand the "self" is also illusion just as all things are. Some mistakenly stop at the pure "I AM" awareness as being the true self. But even that is illusion. Your hand is not your "self".  You head is not your "self". Your idea of self is your self. But an idea is not real unless you believe it is. This is the paradox of the self.

Reality-Buddhist monks say "If a rock hits you in the head, that is reality".  When you experience something with your senses and it has an effect on you, that is called a reality. When you are not aware that you are dreaming and it seems very real to you that is because it is your reality at that time. When you become lucid in the dream you know that it is just a dream but it is still also your reality. The fact that you are lying in bed asleep is also a reality. There are many realities, many truths and many illusions. Believing there is only one reality is delusion. I always say the only difference between a wise man and a schizophrenic is, the schizophrenic believes only one reality is real or doesn't know which is real while the wise man knows all realities are real.

Illusion-The Buddhist teaching tells us that the rock that hits you in the head is not solid, it just appears that way. That rock as a solid object that has power to hurt you is an illusion.  That doesn't mean the rock is not real or the pain is not real. It is just that it is not what it appears to be which is the very definition of "illusion". So what is it? The rock and all things on the quantum level is energy. Matter is constructed of atoms that have no mass yet they are the building "blocks" of all matter. How is that possible? The blocks are holograms. In fact the rock never actually touches your head because no two things ever really touch. The  true nature of reality is singularity. There are no TWO things. Everything is just energy vibrating at different rates and appearing to be separate things. Your brain perceives pain in the form of an alarm signal that something is out of alignment or threatening your vessel regardless of how dense it may or may not be. A gaseous fire hurts just the same as a fast moving rock or a bullet. Illusions as they may be they are all still experienced realities. It is one thing to know something is an illusion and quite another to believe in the illusion.  Believing the illusion that a magician actually sawed a woman into two halves is delusional.  Knowing it was an illusion is enlightenment. We all fluctuate between delusion and lucidity as we go through life because the world is full of illusions. Knowing we are usually being fooled and do not know as much as we think we do is enlightenment.

Meditation- It is probably easier to explain what meditation is not. It is not prayer (asking for something from a higher power), communicating with demons or angels, stopping thoughts or about levitating. Meditation plain and simple is about being present in the silence and stillness of the the vortex of life. It is a waste of energy to try to stop thoughts because they are just the perception of information as it flies into our realm of consciousness. Thoughts are not bad or good they are just like butterflies buzzing all around you. You can fall in love with them, let them annoy you and control your emotions and actions or not. It is up to you. And that is why meditation is a great practice. Thoughts constantly flutter around us and we get to pick which ones we want to believe or Be Live. The practice is to not attach to the thoughts as the arise and fall but to just be, without grasping at concepts and judgements or addictions to ideas and plans. It is also possible to access higher states of awareness and actually activate dormant abilities. But in Buddhism this is not important. It is a distraction from the real practice which is being at peace regardless of the infinite and eternal changes. Contacting other entities, remote viewing, levitation are all possible according to Buddhist teachings but why would anyone pursue levitation when they have not first learned how to master their mind enough to not scream at their spouse or eat that extra donut? We all need to meditate because we are all struggling. No one is perfect.

Egolessness- Egolessness is commonly mistaken for destroying the ego. As long as you are alive (even after death to an extent) you have an ego because the ego is the sense of self and if you are to remain alive in your body you will need your ego to make important decisions. Egolessness means knowing that the ego is also illusion. We are able to access a higher awareness that see's the ego for what it is, from some other place. When you are able to observe your ego self as an illusion that arises from nothingness you are experiencing egolessness. Some call this the void. It can be scary to find yourself at this state of awareness if you are still influenced by ego at the same time. It is like a seesaw. We go back and forth between I AM and I am alone, I am one with all that is, I am nothing, I am all powerful, I am emptiness. Enlightenment is being content with your unstable reality as you ride the waves of eternity in lucid awareness that you are and you are not at the same time an observer in the eternal sea of potential.