Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Bi Location and Remote Viewing- The Way to Freedom

The strangest thing that I have ever experienced is being able to see other worlds and other beings on my inner screen while fully awake. It is very real like I am actually flying over these places. There is an inner sun and there are very detailed beings. Sometimes they look right at me. Because I try to always be as scientific as possible I take note of every little detail. These visions are not drug induced. I only have to lie down and get really relaxed for them to activate. The reason I know I am not dreaming is because I am fully awake and aware of my body lying on the bed. It is not non sensical like most dreams and I cannot control these visions like I can when I am lucid dreaming. So how can I be lucid and yet not able to control the dream? It is because I am witnessing at parallel reality playing out. I have remote viewed actual places on earth where I see a pond and two guys fishing. I have flown over pastures and seen cows and dogs and fences. I can tell the difference between a dream and remotely viewing an actual reality that is playing out. 

On one occasion I  moved into these fern like plants at the lower part of my inner screen. I could see movement all behind these plants. As I willed myself up and over the ferns I began to see a landscape open up. Below me were rolling hills and the sun was shining on the tall grasses. I could see little shimmering lights all around. As I flew closer to one of these lights I could see that they were classic Faeries. A castle appeared in the distance and I was able to fly all around this structure seeing every detail of the stone work and wood work. 

I am not making an argument for the existence of Faeries and a Faery Kingdom because clearly it exists if I can experience it. Remember it is our experience that makes something a reality for us. But I am trying to understand how the human brain really works and wondering why I am only in the past ten years able to do this. I am thinking this is some kind of holographic reality that the brain is generating via the pineal gland. I don't know how. And I don't know who designed this reality. Did my subconscious mind create this to be viewed over and over like an virtual interactive holographic game? Or is it the product of mass consciousness embedded in the Akashic Field for anyone to tap into?  

Once I flew over what appeared to be an Atlantean setting. There were dark skinned Aztec looking men with the large nose and straight black hair standing with their spears on a large bridge like structure and pyramids in the distance. They looked at me as I flew over with big dark eyes as if they knew what or who I was. How did I appear to them I wondered? Was I an orb of light? I could see the whites of their eyes very clearly glowing as the sun was setting in the distance. I could see the curves of their muscles and even feel their presence. Just as quickly as I fly into these scenes they fade out and I am lying on my bed wondering what the hell just happened.  

Another time something a little different happened to me. I was just waking from a dream and suddenly a portal opened up. I willed myself inside this opening and tried to make out what I was seeing. It looked like a lab of some type.  I seemed to be stationary and positioned on the floor looking up into a very long corridor. It was very sterile and there were cabinets and gadgets all around on either side of the corridor. Everything was white and grey. I could even hear people moving around. It was the first time I had a fully sensory experience like that as though I had bi-located. I was just lying in bed thinking "Oh my god. I am in two places at once. How is this possible?" And just like that the portal closed. I found out later that the space station was directly above me that night. 

When I am visiting these other locations in my 5th density body rather than just remote viewing it is more sensual and real than this reality. There is no pain or discomfort. There is no fear or worry. I think of these realities as 5th density realities. The vehicle I am using to navigate them is what I call my light body or merkaba. I believe it is just like the cursor on the computer. When I look into my inner screen I can actually see a viewfinder at the center of my focus. It looks like a spinning orb and I could say it sometimes looks like a classic ufo. Is this a coincidence? Could it be that many of these ethereal disc shaped ufo's are actually manifestations of the light bodies of more and more people as they begin to access this ability? When people are doing this in the dream state they are seldom able to remember it when they wake. But if we can all learn to do this while fully awake we can literally begin to consciously access 5th density worlds while still living at the 3rd density level. 

This could be something that has deliberately been kept from us by control freaks because if you have the ability to access any reality consciously there is no need for linear transport systems that are controlled by the elite. There is also no need for technologies like teleportation and levitation or communication devices. Who knows what humans are actually capable of when we begin to access more of our brains and higher frequencies of consciousness? But as long as we are dependent upon the controllers for our external or internal experience we are not the sovereign, empowered beings we can be.  The truth is not out there. It is within you.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Past Life Recall

The new skill I have acquired over the past several years is remote viewing. But there is more to it than just being able to soar over any place at will. I seem to be able to recall past life events. Usually I tune into the last five minutes or so of a person's life.  I am fully awake but very relaxed. There is usually a circle or what I call a portal with motion in the center of it. I zoom into the portal and a scene unfolds. It is really amazing.

Recently I have seen two men fall on the ground and one was dying; the other was trying to revive him. The very next seen was a graveyard. I see a lot of graveyards. Not too long ago I saw a woman sitting at a table in a farmhouse setting and she heard something. I floated in the direction she was looking through a stairwell into the basement. There was someone lying on at the bottom of the stairs and someone was with him or her. I felt like it was a boy that had fallen and was passing. The next thing I saw was a graveyard and funeral procession. I then assumed the position from the grave looking up at all of these people crying.

My thoughts on this are that I am reliving the moment of death in past lives so that I can release that event or any negative emotion attached to that event. My conscious goal in this life is to release all of the negative emotions from not only my past in this life but the emotional energy of my ancestors that is stored in my DNA. The only way we can truly be sovereign masters of our consciousness is to clear the causal body of the past programming that keeps us incarnating into unfortunate circumstances according to Buddhist and other cultural beliefs. I absolutely understand how this makes sense in terms of physics. We are all basically made of Electromagnetic Fields that are spinning and storing information in the form of light and sound. We perceives these sounds and images as memories. Everything we do and how we feel about those actions is embedded into our EM fields or what we call DNA down to the cellular level.

If you are interested in recalling past lives you can be hypnotized but I recommend you do it on your own so that you are not influenced by any outside energies. While hypnosis can be useful in healing the traumas of past lives one may find themselves deeply embedded in the relived experience so much so that they believe it is actually happening to them in that moment. It is important to be lucid when one relives the experience as an observer rather than relive the event as a victim again. If one is overwhelmed with emotion it is likely they do not have the lucidity to see the traumatic event is not actually happening but a memory.  The only way to release the emotional attachment to the event is to recognize what they truly are which is pure spirit. As an observer one can release from the victim mentality and accept the event for what it is; cause and effect.